
How Long Does The Course Take To Complete?

PHII's basic home inspection course is rated at 90 hours. The optional advanced course is rated at 32 hours

However, since our course system is self-paced, either can be completed in considerably less time by those with excellent study habits or experience in the field. Our students with backgrounds in the construction industry typically move at a little quicker pace. It is important to remember, though, that you can take as much time as you need to learn the material, and there are no limits or penalties for retaking the quizzes or exams. 

The total course time is broken up as follows:

  • 70 hours are dedicated to course and material instruction 
  • 25 hours for field assignments and report writing (field assignments are done on your own property)
  • 10 hours are devoted to course assignments 
  • 15 hours for allotted for testing. 

PHII's groundbreaking course system allows you to make use of your time as you see fit - take your time or push yourself through quickly. There are no constraints!

Frequently Asked Questions

From PHII Home Inspection School students & graduates