
How much money do home inspectors make?

What is the average price per home inspection

The answer to the question, how much do home inspectors make, depends a great deal on the number of inspections you perform per year, your overhead costs (maintaining an office, for example) and many other factors it's impossible for us to go into without more specific information. But in general:

  • You can perform several inspections a week, if the demand for your services is high enough
  • Home inspections typically can earn between $300 to $500 per job, depending on the area of the country and the size of the home (The national average for home inspection on an average sized home, 2000sq ft. or less, is around $300)
  • In areas with a high number of resales, the overall volume of work makes home inspection a much more lucrative business to those who can capture a segment of the market
  • Professional home inspection is a growing occupation - not only in the US but in Canada as well. 
Over 5 million home inspections are conducted in the United States each year and the percentage of homes inspected is steadily increasing. There is no doubt that there is a strong, long-term demand that shows no sign of ebbing for qualified individuals to work as home inspectors. 

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