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PHII Online Weatherization Training
Interactive training courses for weatherization professionals

WAP Contractors

imageWhen awarding bids to weatherize homes for low income families, weatherization agencies need to know that the contractors they select have the fundamental knowledge necessary to complete the work and do it well.  Not all contractors who build houses understand how to weatherize a home. 

Professional Home Inspection Institute (PHII) is working cooperatively with local weatherization agencies, certifying contractors with the Weatherization Contractor Package.  Save valuable staff time and improve your outcomes by adding PHII online weatherization training programs to your regular training plan.image

In some regions, weatherization agencies have negotiated a group rate for on the Weatherization Contractor Package, including this training in their annual program budget.  In most of these locations, the agency provides the online training program to the contractors at no charge and uses the PHII Learning Management System to monitor their progress.

Others are referring contractors directly to PHII for certification and training.  These agencies then require the PHII certification as a condition of participating in their competitive bid process.

At PHII, we understand the needs of your agency are unique.  We work with you, tailoring a package to meet your specific needs.  Detailed quotes can be requested through our online contact form or by calling our toll free number.