Continuing Education Approvals
Pennsylvania Continuing Education Credentials:
Structural Pest Inspection
![Structural Pest Inspection Structural Pest Inspection](../course/course_40_files/logo.jpg)
To maintain pesticide certification, applicators must accumulate update training at three-year intervals for which recertification credits have been approved. Regardless of the category of certification, each applicator must accumulate six core credits. The number of category-specific credits required for recertification varies from category to category.
The PHII Structural Pest Inspection Course has been approved for:
Category - Credit
11 - Household / Health Related - 10 credits.
12 - Wood Destroying Pests - 10 credits.
18 - Demonstration and Research - 10 credits.
23 - Park/School Pest Control - 10 credits.
Categories 11, 12, 18, 19, & 23 require 10 training credits for each three year license period. Course Number: 0021NQ